Seems the ‘blokes and gentlemen readers’ loved my trivia post yesterday so instead of trivia we are calling it bloke stuff because as I have been informed they like snippets not post’s (typical..but I get it) so here is another ‘snippet’ also divulging my love of trivia.
In a study carried out by Eve Doohan from the university of Washington 163 people were asked to recall the most significant compliment they had ever received from their loved ones. The compliments that they cited the most was about how the person made them feel as opposed to their physical attributes (but don’t let this little bit of trivia stop you fella’s you should tell your partner how good she looks as often as you me its never tiring. Never.)
So gentlemen readers tell her she looks good enough to eat in those mighty fine flannelet pink poodle pj’s (she may or may not believe you) but then whisper in her ear she completes you and that not seeing her in those pink poodle pj’s means that the sun hasn’t truly risen that day. You get my drift ? Bare your soul just once..try its guaranteed to get you in the good books somewhere along the way…
So too my lovely lovelies tell me what the nicest compliment you have ever received?
xx Deb
that is cool..but he is right you are cool..xDeb
Well. The one that stands out. That rocked me. Was from a friend. I am still not sure why it affected me so much. But all he said was ” You are cool……. How did you end up in such a regular life” Just midway through a conversation, not even a thrilling amazing conversation either.
Made my heart sing 🙂