Originally I was posting this for the recipe…I have a ton of pumpkin at the moment but then I turned my attention to the hand written note. I always find peoples hand writing interesting I think its a reflection of them especially now as we barely see it these days. Email and computers means we hardly ever use pen and paper. It all looks so perfect all the same so peoples style of hand writing always surprise me. It will often surprise me the messy scrawl I see on paper belongs to the perfectly coiffed women in front of me or that beautiful cursive loop belongs to someone who looks like he is living out of a card board box.
The hand written note its now the new novelty. Its often scrawled. It often looks imperfect and messy. Its intriguing and almost romantic. And truth is when I write a note and I have a tendency to write a lot (slightly old fashioned at 35..its the romance and surprise of it) I can write it a dozen times before I’m happy with the way my hand writing looks on the paper. I waste a lot of trees..I’m not proud of that. So as I’m always self analysing I looked it up once- what my hand writing said about me. I know to much time on my hands but anyway here is what some generic website said about my open and closed loops; I generally like to work alone or behind the scenes. I’m right-handed and my handwriting slants a little to the left, so I may be expressing rebellion. Overall Iam well-adjusted and adaptable. Hmm perhaps..
So along with a recipe here is Rebecca Minkoff’s hand writing in case you like me were unaware she is a designer. Famous. She designs luxury handbags and accessories you can find her stuff and her story here. Her writing (if it is hers..perhaps her assistant?) says You tend to be logical and practical. You are guarded with your emotions. You are well-adjusted and adaptable. You tend to be skeptical and are unswayed by emotional arguments. Wonder if she would agree.
So when was the last thing you wrote something down for someone? and what does your handwriting do you think say about you, head here and let me know..
xx Deb

its funny huh..will try..xx Deb
hi deb,
how are you? we are all well here,FIFO hubby flew in this morning so I took the kids out for a couple of hours to give him time to catch a few hours shut eye after a red eye flight home overnight.
but back to the question: I used a different website qibblo, I thought it was pretty correct describing me as friendly.