The other day I wrote one of my lovely lovelies an email. I love hearing from you and always think of you and what you are up to. So every now and then when you pop into my brain I will email you, if of course you have emailed me first..I know my boundaries sort of. But you know getting an email like that is like a random pop in for coffee, something that doesn’t happen enough anymore. Its all so planned and the unexpected email that doesnt relate to business or a sale well I know it always makes my day.
So this lovelie has a sweet boy on a boat and a brand new puppy she is a new mum of the furry kind which is always always just as yummy. She as a result is doing well and more importantly sounds happy. She told me about the girls weekend she had had away, which is what I had ‘popped in about’ it had been fantastic she said. Then she asked how are you? I know about your ratbag but how about you? Its been ages how someone asked “how are you”? Its sort of took me back and made me ponder exactly how am I? And well if I was to pass away tomorrow, I’m happy. I’m doing everything I want. I have no regrets but then I don’t believe in regrets. I’m happy, happy. I’m well. I’m alive and I’m happy. I’m blessed. I’m grateful. Its taken a little while to get here. To accept. Just go with the glow. Stop worrying. Stop second guessing myself. Stop feeling guilty. Start liking me. Hard work is paying off. Balance is occurring. I’m slowly mistake by mistake figuring out this thing called life and I’m happy even when Im not happy Im happy make sense? Do you think I said happy enough? But I’m happy.
It made my night reading those three little words. How are you. It really did. Like someone really wanted to know because you wouldnt ask unless you wanted to know right?
Thank you lovely girl with the new bichon puppy I hope she is well..
So my lovelies how are you?
Tell me because I really really want to know.
xx Deb