a fifo wife {fifo life: kids: terrible monster B3}

My B3 has turned into a monster. He fights. He argues. He defies. He wins most battles. He is three years old. And its my fault. I know it is and as the parent I raise my hand and accept that this is the consequence of my slack parenting. No excuses; well I will offer you some but ultimately it doesn’t matter. Its my fault I have a monster. The excuses? Last swing I was so tired I think I just gave in to easy too almost everything and I’m struggling to find balance with all my commitments. The other? He is my last baby and is still at home. Alone. B1 is at school and B2 is at kindy three days a week so he is on his own and I feel a little guilty about that. And I whilst we are being honest I probably haven’t been investing the same time into him as I had with his brothers. I have been busy trying to get everything done.

So this swing when FIFO husband was home, at times it became a bit stressful trying to mediate B3’s behaviour. By the end of FIFO husbands swing home I was almost relieved he was going because B3’s behaviour was revolting and FIFO husband, his patience with him was growing really thin. B3 was turning into one of these children you cant wait to leave at the door to daycare just to cop a break but we have no daycare and I couldn’t be so mean to another person as to leave my monster child with them even if I was paying a crazy amount.

Notice I said was? I am determined to get his behaviour back on track especially after on Sunday afternoon witnessing the worst in house brawl with his middle brother I have ever seen. It was not acceptable. It was not funny. It was horrible seeing that amount of violence in my home especially from a three year old who just wasn’t getting his way. The reason for the brawl my B2 was trying to stop him from playing in the recycling bin. That holds two concerning matters why would you be playing in the recycling bin and two he is beating on his brother who was just trying to help him understand it was wrong to be playing in the bin. Its beyond embarrassing. His behaviour, his manners are not acceptable. NO more. This is not a phase. This is learnt behaviour I have allowed. If he wasn’t my child I wouldn’t like him right now and certainly wouldn’t have the time for him harsh but true and it amazes me it only took a matter of weeks to get him from yummy to yukky.

So this morning husband called and B3 was up. FIFO husband and I chatted when during the conversation B3 demanded a Milo in his milk cup and I said no. He had asked in a unacceptable tone and hadn’t used his manners. I told my husband prepare yourself for a battle. Ah you see what I saw he said. He meant that in terms of his behaviour last swing home. No I saw what you saw but its easier I think to fix when its only one cranky and frustrated parent involved. I’m not sure if that’s true for others but its true for me. So B3 tried again and on the third go he used his manners and more pleasant tone.

His tantrums B3’s that is. I know I have the odd one more than happy to raise my hand there. But him not getting his own way and changing him back to being the yummy little boy that he was well that’s not going to be so easy. Its going to take some effort. His personality is strong. He is different to his brothers. I never had this trouble with B1 or B2 even at the height of my tiredness and exhaustion they never walked all over me. I do believe they tried but decied I was the stronger force. He is a different child and will need to be handled different. After all that’s what they say every child is different. So changing his behaviour that I know will take more commitment and strength and that’s from me. And I’m preparing myself for ‘battle’ we have already have had a warm up over bedtime on Sunday night but after 45 minutes I won in the end. That’s the key if you engage in the battle with a two or a three year old you cant back down. So I won and then I rested and got prepared for the next round which consequently was the next morning when he wanted chocolate frogs for breakfast. Since when have we ever had chocolate frogs for breakfast?

So isn’t it amazing how quickly they take advantage of you? When they know that your that tired and that there constant whinging and whining will get them what they want? Who says three year old aren’t cluey? Man they are so cluey. They understand to some extent what they are doing. So consequence’s are appropriate. Explain what will happen if they do A and they will get B. Simple. Well in theory its simple and its worked in the past but this little B3 he is going to be a tough gig but he is in for a rude little shock and it may or may not take a few attempts to ‘restore’ him to his former cute glory but we will get there.

But what else do they say reward good behavior also? Well there will be rewarding and battling going on like we are at the wrestling arena of London 2012.

Wish me luck, I’m going in for round four.

Have a great Tuesday my lovlies,

xx Deb.

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