I did an interview last week with a reporter and amongst all her questions her final one was why did you start your blog? On the spot I couldn’t answer her properly I was trying to be so careful in how I answered each and every question. I was frightened of being misquoted (we will see its yet to be published). Eventually I told her because I wanted others to know that are in my situation that this lifestyle is not all doom and gloom its a positive one. One I’m passionate about. FIFO has such a bad rep but FIFO is a choice like everything in life. You either make it work or you don’t. You want to make really good money their are sacrifices to make. You want to have good quality family time its often about missing some moments along the way only to make up for them later. Its all about how you deal with that.
I blog because in all honesty I got tired of reading poor bugger me stories on other forums and I know I whinge and whine on a occasion but never am I after sympathy I’m just telling the story that is FIFO or essentially life. I love this life and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Sympathy and pity its not what I want to be known for. I see other women pitted and felt sorry for and it angers me, its matter of getting yourself together really. I want my children to see that I’m a strong, capable women who can even though I’m a woman I can see them through anything. I can do anything. I know I can. FIFO often presents us with things and we either learn how to get through it or not as a women I find that empowering I thrive off it. I’m no women’s lib but I don’t need a man I want a man.
FIFO teaches you so much. Life teaches you so much. You either learn to communicate with your spouse and your children or those relationships will inevitably will fail. You either start to look after your body or it will also fail. You either put your marriage before all else or that will to start to fail, your family will start to fail. FIFO or not. Everything is a choice. How you react to things that is a choice. Nothing in life comes easy. Nothing.
I thought if I blogged about my life our life that perhaps some women may benefit from that, knowing that they are not alone in loosing it because you couldn’t open the Vegemite jar on day 12 of your 28 day swing and well its okay, we are the new normal different. Sometimes people don’t agree, make a point of telling me and that’s okay. Believe it or not I appreciate that. Even the harsher critic’s the more personal ones I appreciate what you have to say. Its teaches me something. Personally I have learnt so much about my self. Naturally a very shy person this blog has done wonder for my confidence and soul. I never thought that my blog would reach the level that it has but its amazing and I’m so grateful for the opportunities it has provided me and not only that but for the friendships that have been created from it. Friendships of FIFO and non FIFO families. So many non FIFO wives. We are all the same facing the same issues FIFO just makes it a little trickier some days. So I am forever grateful.
Blogging has created a network for me and hopefully you. It has created new friendships. Its has created a new resource that is invaluable in so many way. Blogging allows us to stay connected to someone, that someone may be on the other side of the world or country but still they are there. Each and every time I get a new post from my favourite blogs or a comment from you its like you have visited me and stayed for a chat. On a day when its hard that is one of the nicest things when someone just pop’s in.
Now I find myself searching for other blogs not just about FIFO but ones that will teach me something along the way. So my friends do you blog? Whats your blog and why do you blog. Can you recommend a really good blog. A good blog is like a good magazine or book. I just want to keep reading it.
Tell me and I will add you to the list down here…now be kind..I’m not so computer savvy…remember that…it may take me awhile but I will get you there.
Have a great Thursday my lovelies,
xx Deb
Hi Debbie.
My husband has been doing DIDO for 5 years we have 3 children. I have not coped well with this lifestyle until i found your forum about a month ago.It made me feel like i wasnt alone and some else had gone thru the same problems depression etc. basically i just wanted to say THANK YOU for sharing your blog. xxx
Deb, I came across a link to your blog through a FIFO fb page recently. I love how positive you are about this lifestyle, it’s so refreshing! We have been doing FIFO for 4 years now 28/28 swing and I can relate to so many things in your blog, i look forward to reading more 🙂