Have you ever embarrassed yourself in public so bad that even you are in convulsive fits of laughter..that was me on Tuesday.
Now I’m using the fact I was running on three hours sleep after a month long swing so the relaxing phase of this FIFO gig was in operation.
So here is what happened. Are you ready for the absolut stupidity of it.
I closed the back cab window of the truck on my head knocking myself out. It’s a pull down window that I had to do with my own hand with my own arm attached to my own body to which somewhere along the way is attached to my brain. Which in all theory should have told the rest of my body including my head to step back but no. So I closed that window on the cab of the truck on my head literally knocking myself out. Because I usually do it with such force and as it happens I caught my head with the corner of the window which as it turns out is rather sharp and left not only a massive bump on my forehead but a cut and a welt down my nose. Nice.
How does one forget to remove their head from a window that they have closed countless times before. How? How does that happen? How? Its not rocket science.
Perfectly it happened in the Woolworth’s car park. I kid you not. A full car park. Once I came to. I sobbed and sobbed with embarrassment. All the time thinking whats likely hood this will end up on you tube. Then laughed and laughed and I’m still laughing about it.
My husband just stood their in complete dumb founded shock. Didn’t offer to help just stood and looked.
I’m just glad I had clean knickers on, my legs were shaved and that my office was tidy. Crap…head lines read…women killed by closing a window…weirdest suicide ever.
I’m no longer allowed near the electric windows nor the fridge and freezer.
So my friends whats the dumbest thing you have ever done in public…come on tell..lets have a giggle..
xx Deb
lol.. xxDeb
I’ve waited at my local station with people milling all around on my way to work in peak period, hopped on the train, come off the train in the city and climbed the stairs off the platform, gotten to the traffic lights and am waiting to cross and this lady says chuckling to me , I love the monkey on your skirt. Well of course, I’m thinkin, you silly woman its a bear and its on my bag (the bag I was using that day had a small bear tag thingy mijig on it) and she sees me look at my bag and she says no around the back and points….. on my arse – right cheek, is one of those bubble monkey stickers , I kid you not, about the size of a small hand… I died, and then just laughed…I mean NO ONE said anything til that lady ???? I still cringe when I think about it….then there’re the time I wore one navy and one black shoe to work and all day they felt different, you know, not like a pair, but not once did I look down and actually inspect them both ha!ha! A girlfriend was walking with me to the trainstation at the end of the day and as we were waiting at the lights , she said what’s wrong with your foot. Me (looking at her strange !!!) nothing, why? her: Well, why are you wearing two different shoes? My defence, they were sandlers in the same style and it was dark when I got ready for work?? Debs, hope your injury is getting better !! Gotta laugh . Mez xxx