a fifo wife {me: missing cat}

My cat has gone missing. Well when I say that he didn’t come home from his day out on Friday. He usually comes in for dinner and then snuggles into bed. He is desexed and around a year old so despite being the wanderer and fantastic rat catcher he shouldn’t have gone far. He is collared, tagged and micro chipped so he looks like someone owns him. I let him out Friday morning and haven’t seen him since.

I’m a little beside myself. That not knowing if he is okay or not is just horrible. He was just the loveliest animal and would run to me when I called him. Damn these animals grabbing your heart. Maybe today he will come home.

Whats your experience with cats? Has yours ever wondered off and come home?

XX Deb

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  1. Thanks Trudy…Puss turned up one day as well and never left. I door knocked every home in town and put out flyers and no one claimed him so we assumed the same thing..I love that gay lovers..lol..heres hoping that he is like Gary and comes home when he feels like it. xXDeb

  2. Thanks Steph, thats exactly what I needed to hear to get me out of ‘mourning’…lol..I will keep calling despite what my neighbours say..I think they think Im a little mad..xD

  3. Oh dear! Missing peta is terrible. We have 2 cats. Tom and Gary. They are gay lovers. And they are just the best! We’ve had Tom since he was a kitten, but Gary showed upi on our doorstep and we just had to take him in. Presumably he was dumped because we live out of town and he didn’t belong to the neighbours. That was a great decision as he is sooo smoochy! We leave them behind when we go away and the neighbours feed him. Sometimes Gary doesn’t come back for a week after we get home. So maybe some cats are just like that?? I hope he comes home soon.

  4. Hi Deb,

    So sorry to hear about your kitty, i’m sure he’ll come back though. I have a 10 year old Birman cat (Duncan) and he is basically my child, one of the loves of my life and an all round fantastic placid and loving animal. I moved for a while from my small country town to Canberra when he was around 7 and after a few weeks some silly drunk held the door open too long at 4am and duncan disappeared into the night, I was beside myself, he’d lived in our little town his whole life and this new, scary, unknown neighborhood was a lot bigger and busier. I basically spent 24 hours in tears and utter depression calling and searching and on my very last attempt at 11pm on a cold winters night i heard a tiny meow in response and there he was! Covered in dirt and cobwebs but fine and healthy, silly as it sounds, but as i have no children yet, this was one of the happiest moments ever, my housemates and I proceeded to group hug him all while crying and laughing haha much to his dismay.
    Hes gone missing a couple of times since but if you persist in your search and calling they will usually return to where their scent is strongest and i’m sure he loves you as much as you love him.
    I am a huge animal lover and i understand what you mean when you damn them, sometimes you dont realise what they mean to you until they’re gone.

    Good luck, and try not to worry too much cats are survivors and very ignorant at times i’m sure he can hear you calling and just has just decided he’ll come home when he feels like it 🙂


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