Okay dokay first of all I’m sorry for the lack of posts. I like to post day of and this past week my day ofs well they are kind of leaving me bewildered. This month this swing and we are only a week and a half into has seen the following happen..its not in any order or importance but its just happened…that tree fell and needed to be removed, the hinge on the gate has snapped and requires welding so as the dogs, cats and chickens cant escape..to which they are on a regular exhausting basis the gate is currently being helped together with a piece of rope and a brick, furniture needed to be collected, a indicator on the trailer had to be fixed and well taped back together ( I have used it once in six months a little tape wont hurt till the FIFO husband gets home), two trips to the city for B1, B1 failed his hearing test…we are back to him hearing like I’m screaming at him underwater…fantastic to say the least and he requires more surgery, the clutch on the car needs to be fixed, B1 has been sick, B3 is currently sick, and B2 is currently in the processes of becoming sick. Yet to top it all of my tooth BROKE in half today an old root canal that well could take that freddo frog no more. Its crumbling in my mouth as we speak and I cant freaking believe it..I have fear that I look like the bride of frankenstein. Oh but wait there is more…I’m now in a loop hole argument with council about my shop..go figure…I have only been trading in my garage for a year.
Yet unlike once upon a time (the beginning of the year..lets not kid each other) I would have been a fuming, frustrated mess, a screaming bitch taking absolute pride in being that bitch; now I’m the epitome of calm. I’m like one of those women I envy at the swimming pool who always look in control of themselves, their life and their children but lets also not kid ourselves this mother earth calm thing going on could seriously vanish quicker than you could say what the? However right now I’m like what else could go wrong seriously? Could it be that sleep that wonderful thing is now allowing me to take it in my stride and giggling all the way to the next disaster. There is no other way to look at it. Seriously no other. Because if I didn’t I would be straight to ward one. I’m hope to have my proverbial crap together soon just as soon Im sure it wont take long. In the mean time please accept my apologies I miss you will resume normal posting as soon as possible.
Yet on a serious note and without getting all mushy. Thank you to everyone that reads and comments. I consider everyone friends seriously true (don’t be scared I only know your email addresses) I appreciate all your emails, comments, and encouragement’s like you wouldnt believe.
Thank you my lovelies…thank you
xx Deb
Dear Debs
Hope things have improved since last Wednesday.Thinking of you. Mez xxx
Completly agree Kirstene…that knowing is the best self confidence booster in the world I love feeling of being that capable…and I like you love that its exhausting but I wouldnt have it anyother way. The only thing I cant operate is an angle grinder and the only thing I wont attempt is bungy jumping I just cant and wont..however true to form this month…the cat has run away..damn it I liked him to and I thought he liked me..lol…hope your well xxDeb
You know that its Murphy’s Law Deb. Everything breaks down, breaks and stops working when Stuart is at work. But the thing I like….I know I can handle it!! This has happened heaps over the years and I always feel so impressed with myself when he comes home and says who fixed this?? Who do you think?? The Tooth Fairy?? It was me your completely capable totally amazing wife!!! Hope things are looking up for you now.
Kirstene xx
a new frock that may be just the souloution to this problem…lol..thanks trudy xxDeb
I hereby award you the “Most Crap Going Wrong In One Swing” Award! You should be very proud and maybe don a pretty frock for the occasion if it helps. Oh dear, Keep calm and carry on as the sign says. Side note… in my head with all that B1 B2 B3 business it sound like you have a bunch of babanas! Just me? You’ll be right. I think?