When B1 first lost his first tooth he spent hours trying to put it back in. He was horrified at the gap in his mouth that stared back at him in the mirror. He couldn’t quite grasp that teeth fell out and a new one would grow. He was even more horrified that the ‘tooth fairy’ would come and collect it and he wouldn’t see it again. Money or no money he wasn’t taking his chances and he hid it from the ‘tooth fairy’ that Sunday night eventually only surrendering it after seeing more toothless smiles at school the next day and also hearing that the ‘tooth fairy’ really did leave you money under your pillow.
So the following night the tooth fairy visited us for the first time. Its been years since he has been in this house. A question arose how much is enough and how much is to much? A neighbour had only a five dollar in her purse and so a precedent was set but at that rate one could be bankrupt just through visits from the tooth fairy. So tooth in a coin purse B1 woke to find his first dollar from the the tooth fairy. He was excited beyond belief, loosing that tooth was apparently worth it despite the tears.
We have since been told that two dollars is the average, perhaps that’s in keeping with the CPI because I’m sure I only ever got twenty cents but either way we have had three more teeth become loose, only at a dollar a tooth mind you. the tooth fairy has at least 60 more visits to this house, thats sixty dollars. Sixty dollars. This boy is trading teeth with the tooth fairy like a inmate at silverwater trades cigarettes.
Typically the money never lasts long, burns a hole in his pocket quick fast then he is back to fiddling with the next loose tooth. Its a scream.
So my lovelies how much did the tooth fairy leave you? And how much is left in your house?
Have a great Monday my lovelies,
xx Deb