Hmmm okay. Sorry about the rant yesterday on reflection its seems rather selfish of me however today is a new day which leaves me with a new wonder. Do you pee in front of your spouse? My parents are here and they do. My husband will in front of me and good lord the kid’s well I spend more time in the bathroom with them than I do myself. Me no way. I won’t even shave my legs, colour my hair, pluck my eyebrows or heck paint my toenails it just takes all the ta da out of the romance don’t you think? Im so bad I wont even exercise with my husband..I have the affliction my face goes bright red and I dont have the cute shes been running I have she has been sprinting for her life look about me. Its not pretty and my husband doesnt get it.
I will admit however during the pregnancy and birth of the boys my husband saw things that no man should see and I was okay then but now? No way sunshine.
Funnily enough my mother has never allowed my father (nor me for that matter) to see her without her teeth (she is of the era where teeth where pulled rather than fixed she has had a full set of falsies for as long as I remember). Never. She will hide in the bathroom until they have soaked or whatever the hell they do in that fizzy little cup but pee no worries….I don’t get the logic.
I would love to know; am I the only one who on hearing my fifo husband outside the bathroom door my hair covered in L’Oreal, wax strip hanging in delicately placed places; lunge for the lock like a woman frenzied at a Myers store sale? The thought that my husband may see me like that well brings an uneasiness to mind…oh I hope that Im not in that quirky minority…please tell me otherwise…
So having said that my lovelies…I have to get a move on…husband has taken the dogs for a walk and so I have a spare fifteen minutes to get these toes into shape…
Have a great Friday,