a fifo wife {me: fashion faux pas}

So apparently I committed a HUGH fashion faux pas. No I didn’t wear fur, or leggings as jeans no I wore gumboots with my jeans to town today. The reaction I got was almost priceless…you look so um country today one friend said as she tried to scurry away from me in absoult horror. It was really rather disconcerting the reaction my gum boots brought today. As you know I’m a practical can do girl andĀ its raining cats and dogs literally and every pair of flats I own would have been ruined (and yes I know husband that you brought me a ridiculous priced pair of boots last year for the very purpose of winter and its wet wintery days) BUT but as I have said these wet wintery day(s) are almost bordering on torrential so with that said I couldn’t and you wouldn’t very well like me to ruin such a highly priced pair of boots in such torrential weather.

So without further ado I have been pricing some very reasonable very fashionable gum boots after all the if the Brits can wear them as outer wear way cant I? This little old town I live in just better catch up..

Now Hunters are my preffered choice however even I cant justify $165.00 on some rubber I will though settle for these street wear boots over here..

hint hint


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