a fifo wife {family: my beautiful b2}

Today my gorgeous B2 and I went on a date. A morning tea date just him and me. We went shopping for my little vintage shop traipsing all around town looking here and there. Then we went to a cafe for morning tea. Going to a cafe is one of his most favourite things to do in the world. It was fantastic and I loved it. Its ages since in fact it’s probably years since I spent one on one time with my beautiful blue eyed B2. I’m sorry that it’s been so long.

My B2 is four almost five and like all kids I guess is so different to his siblings. He was born an old soul. He seems older than his four years and speaks with the most beautiful tone and accent. He is inquisitive, polite, well mannered, and quick witted, clever, confident, thoughtful and kind. He is just the most loveable and beautiful boy. He holds my hand when we walk and he loves to pick me flowers. Doesn’t matter what kind of flowers from weeds to roses he picks them and carries them where ever he is to me.

He started kindy this year B1 didn’t do kindy he didn’t want to I didn’t want him too but B2 he is different. I can’t give B2 what he needs in terms of mental stimulation however I miss him being at home but he needs kindy he is just too clever. Naturally he takes after me not only in looks but his nature…lol.

B2 recently told me that the Easter bunny didn’t exist. I was very disappointed. I was sure that someone had told him. I was disappointed that fairytale of belief had ended so quickly. So after pressing him for half a morning on who had told him such ‘nonsense of course the Easter bunny exist’. He said to me no one told me mum. My thinking brain just worked it out. My brain told me. Oh I said slightly saddened that he indeed had worked it out on his own. He had said this to me before about Santa Claus. Are you sure? Yes mum. Well the Easter bunny does exist for those that choose to believe I said. If you don’t believe that’s okay but that’s something we must keep to ourselves. It’s like the secret of Santa Claus isn’t it mum? See just to clever.

He like his brothers and his father make me so incredibly happy. Just as I make him I hope. He talks with his eyes, much like me, they give everything away. So in saying that I know that we had a good day today and I can’t wait to do it again. I want to try and make it every week. A couple of hours for each boy each week, that’s do able, it’s important I think.

So do you manage a date day with your babies? What do you do? Where do you go? I would love to know.

Have a great Friday night whatever you are doing,

xx Deb

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