a fifo wife {me: its 2am in the morning & things todo before Im 36}

Its 2am in the morning. I have been awake since 1245am which is when B3 decided he just wasn’t tired anymore. Now he is tired and well me I’m here writing this thinking of all the ‘things’ I would like to do before I’m 36. I think my list is looking something like this:

Things to do before 36.

1.  Take my boys to the snow.

2. Buy a new pair of ballet flats.

3. Start to work with some clay.

4. Screen print my own material.

5. Make my own lemon-cello

6. Bake more.

7. Learn how to play chess.

8. Learn how to listen to my inner me more. Trust myself and my decisions.

9. Have a fancy dress party for FIFO husband.

10.Go back to New Zealand and visit the family.

11.Get to know my father better.

12.Be a better daughter.

13. Be financially self sufficient in my own right.

14. Tidy my study and keep it that way.

15.Read Alice in wonderland, Vanity Fair, great expectations they have been on my bed side table for months.

16.Manage my temper better.

17.Line the inside of my cupboard with the silk I brought back from Thailand six years ago.

18.Learn to meditate.

19. Go to yoga…I have never been.

20.Ride my bike more…ride my bike.

21.Swim three times a week.

22.Have a mindful home

23.Dress like I care everyday.

24.Go to my sons school and volunteer as a reading mum.

25.Start to write a memories book to pass on to each of my boys including their favourite recipes..

26.Routinely clean my car every Sunday.

27.Plant more flowers.

28.Email my husband more.

29.Turn my husbands love letters into a book.

30.Cuddle more.

31. Kiss more.

32.Be thankful more.

33.Sing more.

34.Laugh more.

35.Sleep more.

Do you have a list? List’s are good. Good for me anyway. I can tick things off see Im making progress.

Its 3.04am…I have to go to bed. But I think I will just get school lunches, do the washing before that..then maybe I can sleep in.

xx Deb



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