a fifo wife {fifo life: happy planner}

So when husband is at work staying sane means being and staying organised. When I’m not orgainised and the houses isn’t I get a little crazy in my head. dont get me wrong Im a great multi tasker you have to be but I have the worst memory in the world.  I’m also a post-it note girl. Always have been. They are everywhere to remind me to do something. Or to remnd me of a brilliant idea. Post it note…turn off the sprinklers…post it note turn off the oven…yes it can be that bad.

So to ensure that everything runs smoothly I have three yes three planners…1st my ipod touch and its calender /alarm application I use this for in my bag for when I make a appointments whilst on the run out and about.  I never thought I would be a techy girl because Im old fashioned I love to write things down but its so easy , small and ohhh the possiblities on it are endless. 2nd My dairy I put all dates especially longterm dates ahead here. When bills are due etc 3rd My weekly planner I use this for the week ahead. On it it has an area for shopping list. I also put my menu plan for the week here. I write everything down everything. I brought mine from kikki k but you could just down load one from the net there are so many good ones.

How does any one do it with out a diary and a weekly planner?  It saves so much time during the week. Im a happy planner.

Each Sunday I sit down and go through my dairy and ipod and transfer any dates for the week ahead on to my weekly planner. Sounds abit OCD but I like to be organised. Makes things a lot easier. Its also when I do my menu plan and shopping list. Its also good for FIFO husband he can see at a glance when he gets home what he is on for and there is no cross communication.

I keep mine in the kitchen visible for everyone to see. Just dont change anything without telling me.

There are so many options for household planners I so dont know how a house runs without one.

Love things being simple. lol

Have a great Thursday my friends..

XX Deb

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