Day two of mummy being home in Darwin. It all comes rushing back. Where to go, where to eat, where to shop and what bus to catch. When I lived here as a teenager I caught the bus everywhere. When I got my license at 15 (15years and 9 months was the minimum age) I barely used the bus. It was uncool you know. Back then buses weren’t air conditioner nor did they have shock absorber thingies that make the bus rise and fall as people board and un board. They weren’t nearly as ‘flash’.
Now they are ‘flash’ and so exciting to my country bumpkin babies and we are using them to go everywhere. They think they are so cool. B1 gets to press the button to make the bus stop…oh the power held by that button…cool (equally different) looking people ride the bus and it whooshes like a rocket. How cool is this bus mummy!! We talk and I point to all the places I knew as a really is the best way to see a place and its people.
Despite the heat and being caught in the occasional rain storm I’m enjoying it. I have got that life is good feeling about me.
We don’t have buses where we live, there is no need for a town with less than six hundred people. When we go to the city there is no need to ride them we have the car and usually in hurry to get where we need to go. So catching the bus has reminded me of a couple of things. Slow down. Enjoy the simple things and always, always carry deodorant with you.
Hope your having a good week friends,
take care

Dear D, I enjoyed reading your blog and
I can relate to your experiences.
Take care,
Darwin FIFO wife