a fifo wife {fifo life: relationships: lover or a fighter…}

So we have had our first argument for the month. When we do fight its generally early on in the month off and I think its because its we are adjusting to having each other around after the intial bliss of him being home. This fight was my fault really; I misunderstood something and created a disaster with the end result being a argument due to his frustration and but it makes me wonder my sweets what are you are you a lover or a fighter?

Me I’m a lover. I always watch my tongue and will run at the first sign of voices being raised or things turning ugly. He (husband) is a nasty pasty a trait (in terms of
dragging up old issues and name calling) something he has learnt from his
mother…but I must say in his defence he is learning. When it comes to heated discussions I always say is that the last thing you want me to hear as I leave? You really never know what’s around the corner.

Thank fully we rarely fight, rarely and when we do its never in
front of our children. The argument is ours not theirs. If we get too heated we
both back off leave the situation and inevitably we come back later and talk
about it when both of us are ready. Simple. He as I have learnt is not afraid
of apologies. We compromise for everything. Marriage and all relationships for
that matter is all about compromise.

After all nothing is that important that there has to be a winner
is there?


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